Why Give ?
Giving is Worship! He has given us everything. We give back to Him as an act of gratitude and worship. We give to help others receive what we have received. We give because it helps us to grow more like Him.
What to Give ?
The Bible gives us patterns of giving that please the Lord, but they all start with giving ourselves back to Him by seeking his forgiveness (we have all fallen short of His perfect standards), asking Him to take back His rightful place as the one in charge of life, and then expressing our gratitude in every area of our lives.
How to Give?
There are many ways we can give back to the Lord to express our love for Him, for fellow believers, and for those who need to know him. Although this site provides methods for financial giving through our local church, we give in many ways.
But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this?
Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”
~1 Chronicles 29:14
Tithe-General Fund
Gifts to the “General fund” are what allow First Street Community Church to continue and expand its ministry.
88% of these Tithes & offerings are used for general operating expenses as we endeavor to Share God’s Love & Tell His Story here in Lincoln.
7% is sent to the Southern Baptist Convention Cooperative Program which funds many programs for education & training, Church Planting, Disaster Relief, and other ministries in North America and around the world
2.5% is sent to the Sacramento Region Baptist Network to support training, ministry, and church planting in the greater Sacramento area.
1.5% is placed in our Outreach and Evangelism Fund which among other things supports our Fun After School Time for Kids programs.
1% is placed in our Local Missions Fund to support ministries which are doing special things that we cannot do ourselves.
Building Fund
All gifts to the Building Fund are being used to fund future facilities enhancemenets.
Past enhancements such as additional lighting in the parking lot, courtyard usability improvements, and safety improvements increase our long term ability to minister to the community around us.
Major Maintenance
Gifts to Major Maintenance will allow us to pay cash to take care of major needs as they arise. Examples of needs include upgrading to LED lights, window blinds, carpet deep cleaning, sprinkler improvements, pumbing repairs and tree trimming.
Missions Giving
We give to Local Missions year around in addition to the 1% from general undesignated giving. Three times a year we participate in special missions offerings. In April it is for North American Missions (known as the "Annie Armstrong Easter Offering"). In September it is for California State Missions. In December it is for International Missions (known as the "Lottie Moon Christmas Offering").
Additionally throughout the year we participate in other activities such hosting blood drives and Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child.
Local Missions
Gifts to Local Missions provide for FSCC support of Local Ministries beyond our local church.
The Missions Committee presents local ministries, which are doing things we cannot, during the month of June. Gifts for the Sierra Pregnancy & Health Center are collected in baby bottles (so be saving your change to fill those bottles when they are made available the first Sunday of June).
The Local Missions fund is also used to help other urgent ministry needs of which we become aware. For example, in 2023, we:
In March...
In March each year we collect a special offering for mission outrach in North American (mostly USA and Canada).
In September...
In March each year we support California missions through the California Mission Offering. This offerring supports evangelism, church growth, migrant ministries, and disaster relief work. More information can be found at CSBC.Com.
In October...
We support Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes both physically and through ordering online. We send in more than 40 boxes each year.
In December...
The "Lottie Moon Christmas Offering" goes 100% to meet needs of International missionaries and their ministry projects. What will the Lord lead us to give this year?
Frequently Asked questions
Registering is required in order to acknoledge gifts and validate the giving method(s) you provide, and provides many benefits:
You usually will be recognized if you use the same browser or phone number.
Allows secure storage of your giving methods in your profile so you don't have to reenter them each time you give.
You are able to modify any recurring gifts you set up
You are able to check your online giving record at any time.
Allows seamless integration with our Church Management System where annual giving statements are issued regardless of whether you gave online, through the mail or bank bill pay, or in person.
Yes. We were IRS approved as a 501(c)3 as a corporation in February 2023. Prior to that our 503(c)3 status was under the umbrella of the California Southern Baptist Convention.
Records of your giving are available in three ways:
Each gift given online will receive an acknowledgment email and/or text
You can see the history of your online giving within your new account profile.
Members and active attendees are given secure access to their infomration in our church management sytem (FellowshipOne Go) and the primary household member can see all gifts given by all household members (online, in person, mail, and bank bill pay).
Annually, in January, the final statement for the prior year is printed. These are distributed at Sunday morning services. At the end of the month, any not picked up in person are mailed providing we have your mailing address.
If you need a combined in person, mail in, and online giving report prior to the end of the year, you may request it using the Connect form at any Sunday worship service or by using the Contact form on this website.
Not at this time. We make a concerted effort to ensure all gifts are used for the purpose to which they are designated. Having unlimited designations would significantly increase the record keeping and management workload. If you wish to give to something not listed, please contact us so we can try to accommodate your wishes.